Java Swing and JavaFX Software Developer
Max Shostak
Max Shostak
For over 18 years I've been using JavaFX, Swing, and Java Core to professionally design and program rich client and desktop applications, their UIs and business logic, installation packages, and auto-updates. Also, I created several websites and performed usability, functional, and automated testing of web and desktop apps.
I do my best to write effective Java code and have a comprehension of design patterns and software best practices including information hiding, separation of concerns, reuse, etc. As a team player, I have quality quality-oriented mindset and good taste.
See screenshots of some of my recent JavaFX / Java Swing apps, setup packages and websites below.
Freelancer — independent software developer, 2008 — 2024.
Using JavaFX and Swing I worked on GUI development, look and feels and custom controls, designed presentation logic layer and etc. I mostly used improved kind of MVC - Presentation Model pattern, but also MVVM, MVP. From time to time I worked as UX designer and usability tester on several web and desktop projects; hired usability testers from USA/UK/Australia; developed test cases and test plans; managed manual testers; designed web/desktop GUIs. Also I implemented automated website tests with HtmlUnit (Selenium 2 base), TestNG and Java. Plus I implemented several installation packages with free NSIS and commercial Advanced Installer, including multi-platform Java app setup packages.
Luxoft — big outsourcing company, 2007 — 2008.
During my work on the in-house project as a Senior Java Developer I performed migration from old JFreeChart library to a new one; fixed several Swing Java UI and Look and Feel issues, upgraded application code base from Java 5 to Java 6, implemented mock application configuration on custom thread pool using Apache Commons Configuration library, researched several libraries for exporting application reports to MS Excel spreadsheets, bundled JRE 6 with the application using 7zip file archiver and bat script, researched several libraries for defining UI declaratively and building dynamic/configurable UIs.
KCK — outsourcing company, 2007 — 2007.
My role was in all-around application development as a member of development team. As Java Developer I constructed (using JGoodies binding library) a documents view that displays list of documents and allows manipulating with them. Then made user interface (GUI in Java Swing) prototype for backuper/restorer tool and implemented features of files folder backup and restore. Then reduced build time of the whole application from 40 to 18 minutes.
Aricent — big outsourcing company, 2006 — 2007.
Worked as developer team member on application maintenance and new features development. It was a huge, complex, distributed application written using dozen of technologies and languages such as: C#, Win32 API, C++, Java (J2SE, J2EE), ATL, WTL, COM/ActiveX, SQL, HTML/DHTML, WSDL, XML, Web Services, JavaScript, etc. Also I commented about 5000+ lines of source code and generated documentation using Doxygen tool. Then successfully eliminated compatibility issues of our app on IE7 and Windows Vista.
National Space Center of Ukraine, 2002 — 2006.
Developed mathematical models and software programs to research space planets and asteroids.
Institute of Radio Electronics, Ukraine, 1997 — 2002.
Faculty of computerized systems, automatics and manipulation of space technology.
This block can be hidden and only shown in a popup.
Java2D, JavaFX
Java Core, Java SE
Top skills
Rich-client and desktop apps
FlatLaf Look’n’Feel and SVG Salamander
ControlsFX, FontAwesomeFX, JFoenix, JFXtras
Synthetica, JGoodies (Binding, Forms, Validation, etc.)
JXBrowser, JIDE, Swing Application Framework, SwingX, JXLayer
Swing Worker, Animated Transactions, Highcharts, and ChartIQ libs
IDEA, NetBeans, JFormDesigner, TestNG/JUnit, FEST, HtmlUnit, Ant, Maven
NSIS, Advanced Installer, wyUpdate, SVN, Github Actions, Structure 101, UML, HTML, CSS
.NET, XAML, Cobertura, ProGuard, MS Visio, Virtual PC, Camtasia, Google Analytics, ClickTale
User interface design, Software architecture, Setup packages, Usability testing, UX, Prototyping
See also my Reading List.
See my UpWork profile, screenshots of the projects, feedback, score, and then contact or hire me via one of the following websites:,,
Programmers who remember to consider the business impact of their decisions are worth their weight in gold.